Pepper API Proposals (New APIs Start Here)
So you want to make a new pepper API? That's great!
You should expect three distinct phases for your API's development: Proposal, Development, and Going Live. You need to get an LGTM from the mailing list for your API twice: once before implementation (proposal), and once after implementation (final review before Chrome stable).
Need help? Send an email to
Have feedback on this proposal process? Send an email to
Proposal Phase
Fill out an API Proposal.
Add your API to the Chrome API tracking master document (or ask your reviewer to do so) with status "1:proposal" in the PPAPI column. Make sure to paste a link to your proposal in the appropriate column.
Email to say that you have a new API you'd like reviewed, and include a link to your proposal in the email.
You’ll get feedback on the pepper-dev mailing list. If things are looking good, David Michael ( or Yuzhu Shen ( will give an LGTM on the pepper-dev mailing list. If there’s a need to meet in person to resolve issues, David or Molly will sign you up for a formal review meeting for your API and will help you get your API through the meeting.
Development Phase
Update the Chrome API tracking master document (or ask your reviewer to do so) to change the status of your API to "2:coding" in the PPAPI column.
Code your pepper API according to the implementation guidelines. Your implementation must be kept behind its own feature flag until it works and is secure. See chrome/common/extensions/feature_switch.h.
After your implementation both works and is secure, you should enable your API on the dev channel as described in the implementation guidelines.
Encourage usage of the API in the dev channel; the more adoption during dev, the easier your final approval will be.
Remain restricted to the dev channel for a full release cycle (in most cases).
After receiving and addressing feedback from a few major extensions or apps, proceed to the going live phase.
Going Live Phase
Make sure that your API is properly represented in the Chrome API tracking master document (or ask your reviewer to do so).
Email to say that you'd like a final review for enabling your stable, well-tested API on all channels.
If things are looking good, David Michael ( or Yuzhu Shen ( will give an LGTM on the mailing list. If there’s a need to meet in person to resolve issues, David or Molly will sign you up for a formal review meeting for your API and will help you get your API through the meeting.
Ask Molly ( to file a Type-Launch bug. Molly will usher the API through all of the launch reviews, including privacy and security.
Update all sample extensions/apps for your API.
Land a CL to enable the API for all channels, and change the Status of your item in the Chrome API tracking master document to "3: complete" in the PPAPI column.
Publicize the new API. Write a post for the Chromium blog about the API. Send an email to native-client-discuss@, and potentially or if related. Talk to Joe Marini ( for advice around Apps and Extensions implications.